aurify your vocals


Raw Vocals

Aurified Vocals

Final Mix

EXAMPLE 2 | HeimThe Dream – On My 3rd

HeimThe Dream: “I want the style to be like this song:”

Raw Vocals

Aurified Vocals

Final Mix

EXAMPLE 3 | JadaMonique – See You (aura dies remix)

Raw Vocals

Aurified Vocals

Final Mix

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aurify your Beats

EXAMPLE 1 | Beat Production (sample & description)

Sample to use:

Beat Description:
I’m looking for a jerk-type beat with this sample chopped to fit a Clams Casino vibeโ€” something energetic but still atmospheric. I want hard-hitting drums to keep the bounce, with dreamy, airy textures in the background for a wavy feel.
152 BPM – Ab Major

Aurified Beat Demo

EXAMPLE 2 | Beat Production (description & reference beat)

Beat Reference:

Beat Description:
Make the drums more bouncy and more powerful. I want the same chord progression, but add layers to make it fuller and richer, a happier vibe, early 2000s sound with modern hip-hop drums. Keep it simple.

Aurified Beat Demo

Aurify your music

Aurify your music

Aurify your music

Aurify your music

Aurify your music